There are five books in the initial Bravya series. These books form the foundation of the Bravyan insight. This is the initial series, which is to be developed into further publications and media.
In this series, we become familiar with the heroes: the five snails and the six members of the Bravyan council (the five that accompany their respective snails and their chairwoman), get to know Bravya itself and its places, and gain exposure to the flexible structure of the series that prompts further development.
The first five books are numbered Book 1B, Book 2R, Book 3A, Book 4V and Book 5Y, each letter standing for the initial of the protagonist snail’s name in each of the books: Branky, Rubin, Azur, Verdi and Yella. These initials form the first five letters of BRAVYA. The last “A” stands for us “All.” We are also an integral part of Bravya.